Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blaze Line by BACK-ON

Ya-Haaaa! Hey, you! Wanna more beat song?! Take this!! Ya-Haaaa!!!

It's BACK-ON! The same performer who singing in Flower. They're quite great. They can playing on a beat or soft song. That's a good point. The rap is nearly like American. We can still understand what he say.

I like the chorus part. You know, it's a good part with good beats on it. I usually banging my head when I hear this song. It's a cool song, isn't it?

OK! That's all! See ya!! Ya-Haaa!!!

P.S: As I do to this month, maybe I'll take another theme from now, each month. Wish me luck! Maybe I'll take Hikago as a theme for next month.

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If everyone's hands handle one of music instrument, I believe
there's no war in this world....
Because there's no hands can handle a weapon
to fight another one.
That's why I love music....
Because it's universal
and peaceful.