Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)

World cup is here! It's a song from Shakira, one of some OST from World Cup. This is the first time the World Cup held in Africa. And this is a special song to celebrate it. Enjoy this youtube video!

Enjoy the spirit of World Cup!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Negaraku is a plagiarism?

Well, it's a hot problem between Indonesia and Malaysia nowadays. They claiming this song as their mine. First I'll put this song. Listen it carefully.

This is Terang Bulan, from Indonesia. It's more old than Negaraku, Malaysia's national anthem. Compare this song's pattern with Negaraku from Malaysia.

This is Negaraku, Malaysia's national anthem. Hear it and you'll know how similar them.

And I'll put this, too.

This is Mamula Moon. You can hear the different between this song with those two songs before. It says that Terang Bulan inspired from this song. But how about Negaraku? This song starts from 0:47, and the first line of this song has a different pattern with two songs before.

Let your ear and heart decide the truth. And you'll see the problem better.

See you next time.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lagu-lagu Indonesia Inspiratif

Meskipun tahun ini belum berakhir, namun saya ingin memposting 2 lagu yang pada beberapa hari lalu telah pernah saya posting, namun terhapus. Kedua lagu ini adalah lagu yang cukup memberikan inspirasi bagi saya, meski tidak menutup kemungkinan akan ada lagu lain yang sama inspiratifnya dengan kedua lagu ini. Hal ini hanya saya dasarkan pada penilaian subyektif semata, bukan secara obyektif, karena toh kedua lagu ini merupakan lagu yang saya gemari, meski tidak fans dengan artisnya.

Yang pertama adalah lagu dari Sherina Munaf, "Ku Bahagia". Lagu ini adalah OST dari film Laskar Pelangi. Lumayan bagus pesan yang tersisip didalamnya. Silakan menikmati dan menghayatinya sendiri.

Lagu kedua dari d'Masiv. Lagu berjudul "Jangan Menyerah" ini juga merupakan lagu yang menarik untuk didengarkan. Video klip yang menggambarkan lagu ini menunjukkan perjuangan hidup yang hebat. Sesuatu yang sangat menyentuh hati, melihat seseorang yang memiliki masalah yang lebih berat dari kita, namun lebih tabah dibandingkan kita yang mungkin saja dalam masalah kecil saja sudah merasa seperti keadaan kiamat. Saya menyukai lagu ini, meskipun banyak yang menyatakan lagu ini hasil plagiat.

Untuk sekarang hanya kedua lagu ini yang dapat memberika inspirasi bagi saya setiap kali saya mendengarkannya. Semoga saja lagu-lagu semacam ini akan bertambah banyak, sehingga musik di negeri kita bukan hanya jadi musik pasaran berisi cinta melulu. Terima kasih telah membaca.

Permohonan maaf

Maaf, beberapa posting yang telah saya buat dalam bulan ini secara tak sengaja telah terhapus. Sebagai gantinya akan saya posting dua di antaranya menjadi satu.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Heal the World

OK, this is one of the inspiring song to me. It's true, there's love in this world. It must be an unconditional love, to make a better world to everyone. If everyone have it, this world can be like a heaven for us. Just remember how we are when we are still a children. We can accept everyone as our friend without any reason. That's why we must learn about the unconditional love from a pure, little children.

War is meaningless. It's only make a chain of hatred, there's no escape from it. But we can cut it before with some cares to our neighborhood. Let's share love, not hatred.

Our world has been wounded so much. Let's heal it together. For a better future of human races. Let's heal the world.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My-Otome OST: Dream Wing

This song is more cheerful than the opening song from My-Hime. The performer is same person like previous series, Minami Kuribayashi. Maybe it's because the series itself has another nuance than the previous series. This new series has a lighter nuance than My-Hime. Well, I'm not see it, but from the review I read it's not as complicated as the previous series. I've got the lyrics from animelyrics, but it's romaji only (Japanese lyrics). There's no translation version.
ketawasetan Well then maybe I'll make the translation like I did before. Wish me luck!

OK, that's it. See you next time.

If everyone's hands handle one of music instrument, I believe
there's no war in this world....
Because there's no hands can handle a weapon
to fight another one.
That's why I love music....
Because it's universal
and peaceful.