Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost New Year

Hello, Everyone!

I hope you're in good condition today. It's almost new year. Maybe much of you have some new year resolution now. Well, for your information, I've got a list of Americans top 10 new year's resolution(s) , from here . Here's the list:
  • Spend More Time with Family & Friends

  • Fit in Fitness

  • Tame the Bulge

  • Quit Smoking

  • Enjoy Life More

  • Quit Drinking

  • Get Out of Debt

  • Learn Something New

  • Help Others

  • Get Organized

Well, are you have a same list like this? I hope your resolution can be a reality next end year. OK, that's all. See you next year, Everyone!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jingle Bells

Hello, Everyone! How are you today? It's almost Christmas, so don't be sad, OK? Time is running so fast. I remember when I made this blog for the first time. And now it's growing up, because your attention, too. 3 months later, it's the 1st anniversary for my blog. Well, maybe I shouldn't celebrate it, but it's my first update blog. It's important to me.

Well, back to the topic. Tomorrow is Christmas, and tonight (in my country) it's a Christmas Eve. I want to post this song because it feels like Christmas in the air. I'm sure you're really know this song. For now, I put 2 videos. First video is some jazz (maybe) song I took from Youtube titled "Feliz Navidad-Merry Christmas-Jingle Bells-Diana Krall". And another song can you see when you click the "next tones" link below. Here is the video:

I hope you'll enjoy this song. And don't forget to click the "next tones". There's a funny version of this song. Well, happy holiday everyone!

May GOD Bless Us!

Yes' it's Bugs Bunny. Like usual, I took it from Youtube. This video have a subtitle. Enjoy the song. Thanks.

Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas

I got a video of this song performed by Dolly Parton. Wow, her voice is so soft! It's so cozy. Well, Christmas is some days again. I hope it will be the best Christmas. Even there's no White Christmas in my country :). Well, happy holyday and merry Christmas everyone!

May GOD Bless Us next years!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Joy to the World

It's a very familiar Christmas carol for me. The music is so cheerful. And the song's message is so clear. Each I hear this song, I feel the Christmas spirit back in to me.
It's a reminder song for me.

There's some noble feeling when I hear this song singing by some choir. It's feel so nice.

Christmas is 2 weeks again, right? I hope the best Christmas moment will come to you all. Thanks for read this blog.

See you later. May GOD Bless Us!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Silent night

Well, who's don't know this song? I'm sure that most of you know this song. And for make the Christmas spirit atmosphere spread to the world, I decided to put this song in this post. I'm sure this is one of the most famous carol. When we heard this song we'll soon remember Christmas. It's simple, both the lyrics and the music. And this is a peaceful song, too.

There's much story versions about how can this song made by Josef Mohr and Franz Xaver Gruber I've got from wikipedia . But, I think whatever the story behind this song, It doesn't matter, because the important one is the song itself, not the history. So, let's just feel the song. Because it's the important.

OK, that's all. See ya. May GOD Always Bless Us!

O Holy Night

Hello, how are you today? I hope you're fine.

As the title said, today I'll posting the famous Christmas carol, O Holy Night. I've searching in Wikipedia about this song. It said that O Holy Night was "composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847 to the French poem "Minuit, chrétiens" by Placide Cappeau (1808-1877), a wine merchant and poet" ( Wikipedia ). It also said that "Cappeau was asked to write a Christmas poem by a parish priest" ( Wikipedia ). I love this song. It's so soft and make me cozy an tranquil.

I try to find this song in Youtube. And I got so much video in there. So I choose one from the another else. Here's the video:

I choose to took Josh Groban's video because maybe it'll sounds good. Otherwise, I like his voice.

OK, that's all. See you again!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First Though

Hello, how are you this month? Feels good? I hope you good today.

Looks like it's December again. The jingles is all over the city. Each malls and stores are using this moment to selling. Not only in US or Europe, but in my country, too.

I hope we're not forget the December spirit. I hope all the musics we heard today will reminds us. I hope the best for you are.

I'll not posting any song today. I'm not in my mood. But maybe someday in December. But thanks for coming to my blog today.

May you got a good December. See you again!

If everyone's hands handle one of music instrument, I believe
there's no war in this world....
Because there's no hands can handle a weapon
to fight another one.
That's why I love music....
Because it's universal
and peaceful.